Gedling, H., Bowman, H., & Cruse, D. (2024).
Heart Rate Synchronisations Associated with Narrative Comprehension.
Vidal Gran, C., Bowman H., & Cruse, D. (2020)
The role of strategic and non-strategic expectations in language comprehension: Auditory follow-up study
Banellis, L., & Cruse, D. (2021).
Heartbeat-evoked potentials during interoceptive-exteroceptive integration are not consistent with precision-weighting. bioRXiv // Pre-registration
Mushtaq, F., […] Cruse, D., […], & Vales-Sosa, P. (2024).
One hundred years of EEG for brain and behaviour research.
Nature Human Behaviour, In Press. PDF
Cruse, D., Ragazinskaite, K., Chinner, A., Bareham, C., Roberts, N., Banner, R., Chennu, S., & Villa, D. (2024).
Family caregivers’ sense-making of the results of functional neurodiagnostics for patients with Prolonged Disorders of Consciousness.
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, 1–22​. PDF
Bowman, H., Collins, D.J., Nayak, A.K., & Cruse, D. (2023).
Is predictive coding falsifiable?
Neuroscience and Biobehavioural Reviews, 154, 105404. Publisher PDF // Preprint
Gibbings, A., Henry, M.J., Cruse, D., Stojanoski, B., Grahn, J.A. (2023).
Attention modulates neural measures associated with beat perception.
European Journal of Neuroscience, 57, 1529-1545. PDF
​Perez, P., Madsen, J., Banellis, L., Türker, B., Raimondo, F., Perlbarg, V., Valente, M., Niérat, M-C., Puybasset, L., Naccache, L., Similowski, T., Cruse, D., Parra, L.C., & Sitt., J.D. (2021).
Conscious processing of narrative stimuli synchronizes heart rate between individuals.
Cell Reports, 36, 109692. PDF // Data+Scripts
Sokoliuk, R., Degano, G., Melloni, L., Noppeney, U., & Cruse, D. (2021).
The influence of auditory attention on rhythmic speech tracking: implications for studies of unresponsive patients.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 15, 464. PDF // Data+Scripts
Chinner, A., Pauli, R., & Cruse, D. (2021).
The impact of prolonged disorders of consciousness on family caregivers' quality of life - A scoping review.
Neuropsychological Rehabilitation, In Press. PDF
Pavlov, Y.G., [...], Cruse, D., [...], & Mushtaq, F. (2021).
#EEGManyLabs: Investigating the replicability of influential EEG experiments.
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O'Donnell, A., Pauli, R., Banellis, L., Sokoliuk, R., Hayton, T., Sturman, S., Veenith, T., Yakoub, K.M., Belli, A., Chennu, S., & Cruse, D. (2021).
The prognostic value of resting-state EEG in acute post-traumatic unresponsive states.
Brain Communications, 3(2), fcab017, PDF // Data+Scripts
Sokoliuk, R., Degano, G., Banellis, L., Melloni, L., Hayton, T., Sturman, S., Veenith, T., Yakoub, K.M., Belli, A., Noppeney, U., & Cruse, D. (2021).
Covert speech comprehension predicts recovery from acute unresponsive states.
Annals of Neurology, 89(4), 646-656. PDF // Data+Scripts
Pauli, R., O’Donnell, A., & Cruse, D. (2020).
Resting-state electroencephalography for prognosis in disorders of consciousness following traumatic brain injury.
Frontiers in Neurology, 11, 1654. PDF
Banellis, L., Sokoliuk, R., Wild, C.J., Bowman, H., & Cruse, D. (2020).
Event-related potentials reflect prediction errors and pop-out during comprehension of degraded speech.
Neuroscience of Consciousness, 1, niaa022. PDF // Data+Scripts
Vidal-Gran, C., Sokoliuk, R., Bowman, H., & Cruse, D. (2020).
Strategic and non-strategic semantic expectations hierarchically modulate neural processing.
eNeuro, 7(5), ENEURO.0229-20.2020. PDF // Data+Scripts // Pre-registration
Banellis, L. & Cruse, D. (2020).
Skipping a beat: heartbeat-evoked potentials reflect predictions during interoceptive-exteroceptive integration.
Cerebral Cortex Communications, 1(1), tgaa060. PDF // Data+Scripts // Pre-registration
Sokoliuk, R., Calzolari, S., & Cruse., D. (2019).
Dissociable electrophysiological correlates of semantic access of motor and non-motor concepts.
Scientific Reports, 9, 11482. PDF / Data+Scripts
Sokoliuk, R., & Cruse., D. (2018).
Listening for the rhythm of a conscious brain (Invited commentary on Engemann et al.).
Brain, 141(11), 3095-3097. Publisher or PDF
Rupawala, M., Dehghani, H., Lucas, S.J.E., Tino, P., & Cruse, D. (2018).
Shining a light on awareness: A review of functional near-infrared spectroscopy for prolonged disorders of consciousness.
Frontiers in Neurology, 9(350). PDF
Ragazzoni, A., Cincotta, M., Giovannelli, F., Cruse, D., Young, G.B., Miniussi, C., & Rossi, S. (2017).
Clinical neurophysiology of prolonged disorders of consciousness: from diagnostic stimulation to therapeutic neuromodulation.
Clinical Neurophysiology, 128(9):1629-1646. PDF
Cruse, D., Fattizzo, M., Owen, A. M., & Fernández-Espejo, D. (2017).​
Why use a mirror to assess visual pursuit in prolonged disorders of consciousness? Evidence from healthy control participants.
BMC Neurology, 17:14, PDF
Gibson, R. M., Chennu, S., Fernández-Espejo, D., Naci, L., Owen, A. M., & Cruse, D. (2016).​
Reply to "Is command following unrelated to top-down attention in consciousness disorders?"
Annals of Neurology, 81(1), 160-161, PDF
​Beukema, S., Gonzalez-Lara, L. E., Finoia, P., Kamau, E., Allanson, J., Chennu, S., Gibson, R. M., Pickard, J. D., Owen, A. M., & Cruse, D. (2016)
A hierarchy of event-related potential markers of auditory processing in disorders of consciousness.
Neuroimage: Clinical, 12, 359-371. PDF
Gibson, R. M., Chennu, S., Fernández-Espejo, D., Naci, L., Owen, A. M., & Cruse, D. (2016).​
Somatosensory attention identifies both overt and covert awareness in disorders of consciousness.
Annals of Neurology, 80(3), 412-423., PDF
Gibson, R. M., Owen, A. M., & Cruse, D. (2016).
Brain-computer interfaces for patients with disorders of consciousness.
Progress in Brain Research, 228, 241-291. PDF.
Cruse, D., Young, G. B., Piccione, F., Cavinato, M., & Ragazzoni, A. (2016).
Brain electrophysiology in disorders of consciousness: diagnostic and prognostic utility.
In M. Monti & W. Sannita (Eds) Brain function and responsiveness in disorders of consciousness (pp. 105-118). Springer.
Cruse, D. & Young, G.B. (2016).
The complexity of disorders of consciousness (Invited commentary on Thul et al.).
Clinical Neurophysiology, 2, 1001-1002. PDF
Kirschner, A., Cruse, D., Chennu, S., Owen, A. M., & Hampshire, A. (2015).
A P300-based cognitive assessment battery.
Brain and Behaviour, 5, e00336. PDF
Graham, M., Weijer, C., Cruse, D., Fernández-Espejo D., Gofton, T., Gonzalez-Lara, L., Lazosky, A., Naci, L., Norton, L., Peterson, A., Speechley, K. N., Young, G. B., Owen, A. M. (2015).
An ethics of welfare for patients diagnosed as vegetative with covert awareness.
AJOB Neuroscience, 6(2), 31-41. PDF
​Peterson, A., Cruse, D., Naci, L., Weijer, C., & Owen, A.M. (2015).
Risk, diagnostic error, and the clinical science of consciousness.
Neuroimage: Clinical, 7, 588-597. PDF
​Gibson, R. M., Fernández-Espejo, D., Gonzalez-Lara, L. E., Kwan, B. Y., Lee, D. H., Owen, A. M., & Cruse, D. (2014).
Multiple tasks and neuroimaging modalities increase the likelihood of detecting covert awareness in patients with disorders of consciousness.
Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, 8:950. PDF
​Graham, M., Weijer, C., Peterson, A., Naci, L., Cruse, D., Fernández-Espejo, D., Gonzalez-Lara, L., & Owen, A. M. (2014).
Acknowledging awareness: informing families of individual research results for patients in the vegetative state.
Journal of Medical Ethics, doi:10.1136/ medethics-2014-102078. PDF
​Weijer, C., Peterson, A., Webster, F., Graham, M., Cruse, D., Fernández-Espejo, D., Gofton, T., Gonzalez-Lara, L. E., Lazosky, A., Naci, L., Norton, L., Speechley, K., Young, G.B., & Owen, A. M. (2014).
Ethics of neuroimaging after serious brain injury.
BMC Medical Ethics, 15(41). PDF
​Cruse, D., Beukema, S. T., Chennu, S., Malins, J. G., Owen, A. M., & McRae, K. (2014).
The reliability of the N400 in single subjects: Implications for patients with disorders of consciousness.
Neuroimage: Clinical, 4, 788-799. PDF
​Cruse, D., Norton, L., Gofton, T., Young, G. B., & Owen, A. M. (2014).
Positive Prognostication from Median-Nerve Somatosensory Evoked Cortical Potentials.
Neurocritical Care, 21(2), 238-44. PDF
Cruse, D., Gantner, I., Soddu, A., & Owen, A. M. (2014).
Lies, damned lies, and diagnoses: Estimating the clinical utility of assessments of covert awareness in the Vegetative State.
Brain Injury, 28(9), 1197-1201. PDF
Gibson, R. M., Chennu, S., Owen, A. M., & Cruse, D. (2014).
Complexity and familiarity enhance single-trial detectability of imagined movements with electroencephalography.
Clinical Neurophysiology, 125(8), 1556-1567. PDF
​Cruse, D. (2013).
Off to never-never land: losing consciousness to gain thought (Invited commentary on Leu-Semenescu et al.).
Brain, 136, 2935-2936. PDF
​Peterson, A., Naci, L., Weijer, C., Cruse, D., Fernández-Espejo, D., Graham, M., & Owen, A. M. (2013).
Assessing decision-making capacity in the behaviorally nonresponsive patient with residual covert awareness.
AJOB Neuroscience, 4(4), 3-14. PDF
Cruse, D., Chennu, S., Chatelle, C., Bekinschtein, T. A., Fernández-Espejo, D., Pickard, J. D., Laureys, S., & Owen, A. M. (2013).
Response to: Reanalysis of “Bedside detection of awareness in the vegetative state: a cohort study.”
The Lancet, 381(9863), 291-292. PDF
​Cruse, D., Thibaut, A., Demertzi, A., Nantes, J. C., Bruno, M-A., Gosseries, O., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Bekinschtein, T. A., Owen, A. M., & Laureys, S. (2013).
Actigraphy assessments of circadian sleep-wake cycles in the Vegetative and Minimally Conscious States.
BMC Medicine, 11:18. PDF
- Correction published August 2018 PDF
​Cruse, D., Chennu, S., Fernández-Espejo, D., Payne, W., Young, G. B., & Owen, A. M. (2012).
Detecting awareness in the Vegetative State: Electroencephalographic evidence for attempted movements to command.
PLoS ONE, 7(11). PDF
Chatelle, C., Chennu, S., Noirhomme, Q., Cruse, D., Owen, A. M., & Laureys, S. (2012).
Brain-Computer Interfacing in Disorders of Consciousness.
Brain Injury, 26(12), 1510-1522. PDF
Naci, L., Monti, M. M., Cruse, D., Kübler, A., Sorger, B., Goebel, R., Kotchoubey, B., Owen, A. M. (2012).
Brain-Computer Interfaces for Communication with Non-Responsive Patients.
Annals of Neurology, 72(3), 312-323. PDF
Cruse, D., Chennu, S., Chatelle, C., Bekinschtein, T. A., Fernández-Espejo, D., Pickard, J. D., Laureys, S., & Owen, A. M. (2012).
Bedside Detection of Awareness in the Vegetative State - Authors’ Reply.
The Lancet, 379(9827), 1702. PDF
​Fernández-Espejo, D., Soddu, A., Cruse, D., Palacios, E. M., Junque, C., Vanhaudenhuyse, A., Rivas, E., Newcombe, V., Menon, D., Pickard, J. D., Laureys, S., Owen, A. M. (2012).
A Role for the Default Mode Network in the Bases of Disorders of Consciousness.
Annals of Neurology, 72(3), 335-343. PDF
Cruse, D., Chennu, S., Chatelle, C., Fernández-Espejo, D., Bekinschtein, T. A., Pickard, J. D., Laureys, S., & Owen, A. M. (2012).
The Relationship Between Aetiology and Covert Cognition in the Minimally Conscious State.
Neurology, 78, 816-822. PDF
Cruse, D., Chennu, S., Chatelle, C., Bekinschtein, T. A., Fernández-Espejo, D., Pickard, J. D., Laureys, S., & Owen, A. M. (2011).
Bedside Detection of Awareness in the Vegetative State - a Cohort Study.
The Lancet, 378(9809), 2088-2094. PDF
​Cruse, D., Monti, M. M., & Owen, A. M. (2011).
Neuroimaging in Disorders of Consciousness: Contributions to Diagnosis and Prognosis.
Future Neurology, 6(2), 291-299. PDF
​Cruse, D. & Wilding, E. L. (2011).
Temporally and Functionally Dissociable Retrieval Processing Operations Revealed by Event-Related Potentials.
Neuropsychologia, 49(7), 1751-1760. PDF
​Cruse, D. & Owen, A. M. (2010).
Consciousness Revealed: New Insights into the Vegetative and Minimally Conscious States.
Current Opinion in Neurology, 23(6), 656-660. PDF
​Fernández-Espejo, D., Junque, C., Cruse, D., et al. (2010).
Combination of Diffusion Tensor and Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging During Recovery from the Vegetative State.
BMC Neurology, 10(1), 77. PDF
​Cruse, D. & Wilding, E. L. (2009).
Prefrontal Cortex Contributions to Episodic Retrieval Monitoring and Evaluation.
Neuropsychologia, 47(13), 2779-2789. PDF